The Four of Wands shows two happy people dancing and celebrating with flowers in their hands. In the foreground, a beautiful wreath abounding with blossoms and grapes suspends between wands. Together, these elements represent the joy and satisfaction that comes with achieving an important goal or milestone. In the background, another group of people (perhaps a family) stand in front of a large castle, representing the safety and comfort of the home.
The Four of Wands is a card of joyful celebration, blissful happiness and appreciation for the good things in life. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it is the perfect time to celebrate with those you love most. You may commemorate a significant event or milestone such as a wedding, birthday, homecoming or reunion. Or, you may invite a few of your favorite friends over for an intimate dinner for no particular reason except to revel in each other’s company. Relax and let your hair down – enjoy this special time together!
The Four of Wands can show that you are returning home or to the people and places familiar to you. You feel supported and secure, knowing you are with those who love you and care about you.
Because the Four of Wands associates so closely with the home environment, you may work on improving or renovating your house or are close to finding a new one. Perhaps you recently purchased a home and are getting ready to settle down in your new habitat.
The Four of Wands tells you that after a period of rapid growth and expansion (the energy of the Three of Wands), it’s now time to pause and celebrate what you have achieved so far. Step back for a moment and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Acknowledge your hard work and give yourself permission to take a small break before embarking on the next phase of your journey. It’s essential you observe these smaller milestones.
In numerology, four symbolises stability and firm foundations, and with the Four of Wands, you are now enjoying a period of happiness and security. This card indicates a sense of harmony and balance as well as completion and thus denotes a time of peace and contentment in life that comes as the result of hard-fought efforts.
If you have been working on a project, you will reach an important milestone and have reason to celebrate. If you just wrapped up your project, the Four of Wands represents the personal gratification of a job well done, a goal attained, and a vision beginning to be realized. You should be proud!