The World card represents wholeness, accomplishment, celebration, fulfillment harmony and completion. There is a sense that everything has come together, and you are in the right place, doing what you have envisioned.
This card is a positive omen in a reading and signifies the successful completion of a cycle of life and the start of a new one. It invites you to reflect on your journey and achievements and tune into your spiritual lessons. It also represents people who have a universal understanding and a deep connection with their spiritual side. These people are happy, experienced, sovereign and have command of their thoughts, emotions, and physical life. They are achievers who are rejoicing the success and are ready for a new start and their life is in harmony with the universe.
The World card tells you to celebrate your success, enjoy the fruits of your labor, express gratitude for what you have created and celebrate your journey. If you haven't quite reached this point of completion, then you are very close. Contemplate on your past experiences and acknowledge what you learned along the way. Once you have reflected on these, the World card asks you to bring them to completion and clear the space for new beginnings and opportunities.
If you get this card in a daily reading, it means that this is a day to celebrate and rejoice in some recent accomplishments. You are in connection with all elements of your personality and in harmony with the universe. It's is a good day to shine and enjoy the bounties of life.